Dear Professor Cline,
I want to open this letter to you by first saying thank you for making this class fun and exciting. The things I have learned from this class will definitely help me throughout the rest of my professional career. I have learned about more things in this class than any other English class I have taken. I am very appreciative.
Although, I have loved this class so far, I have had my fair share of challenges. Probably the most challenging thing I have come up against so far would be learning literary analysis. Everything that I have had to write so far for any class including high school and college has always been summary. This was a huge switch for me, and it really took a lot to switch off my summary thinking cap and put on the analysis cap. It was very challenging but very good for me as well, as it will only further help me understand literary works and help me become a better writer. Another big challenge for me this semester was to open my mind up to other literary works. All of the books required for this class, I would have never picked up if it wasn’t for this class, I would yawned and called them boring, but I do know now, up to this point, that other works of writing can be just as interesting.
My goals for the second half of this class would be to improve my writing techniques, improve my critical reading and thinking abilities and to really keep on doing more of the same. I am very happy with the grades that I have at this point, and I hope to only get better as the second half of the semester plays out. I am looking forward to the next essay as we attempt to mix analysis and research. That should be another great challenge!
Thank you for the class, I look forward to the challenge ahead!
Heath Midkiff
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